Str. Mitropolit Varlaam nr. 54, Iași

Spațiu virtual dedicat elevilor și profesorilor L.T.M.A. Iași

123 456 789

Goldsmith Hall

New York, NY 90210

07:30 - 19:00

Monday to Friday


Proiecte europene derulate după reorganizarea rețelei școlare din 2013:

Tip programAnNume proiect/număr contractAplicant/nume beneficiar
LLP – Grundtvig2012-2014European Network of Trainers for Nonviolence and Resilience of Young people. E.N.T.R.Y.”ASIE ONG, Romania
KA22015-20172015-1-RO01-KA202-01584 TRAIning Transversal – Supporting Career Development and ResearchLTMA Iasi
KA22016-20182016-1-PL01-KA204-026738 Be a change – invest socially (BACIS)Fundacja Parasol, Poland
KA22016-20192016-1-UK01-KA202-024423 Robotics Automation Careers in Engineering for the 21 Century (RACE21)Northen Regional College, UK
KA22017-20192016-1-UK01-KA204-024491 Arboreal Futures  Pathways: Inspirational Development C.I.C., UK
KA22017-2019VET 2017-1RO01-KA202-037344 „Flip your classes through multimedia enriched apprenticeship simulations and develop e-skills for VET teachers and students to enhance youth employability (E-CLASSES)LTMA Iasi
Comenius – mobilities for teachers2013”Dramatic Techniques for Teaching English”, in UKEnglish teacher
Grundtvig Workshops2013“Literacy, Adult and Citizenship Education”, in PortugalEnglish teacher
Leonardo VETPRO2013”Increasing the attractiveness of education and professional training by developing and updating the skills of teachers in vocational and technical education”,  LLP-dV/VETPRO/2012/RO/046Technical disciplines teacher
Leonardo VETPRO2013Innovative mentoring and coaching methodologies and strategies to prevent beginning teachers from giving up their teaching career, LLP-LdV/VETPRO/2013/RO/353School management
Grundtvig Workshops2014”Meet MI talents”English teacher

Proiecte europene derulate în fosta unitate școlară Liceul Tehnologic Nicolina Iași:

Nr. crt.Tipul proiectului /număr de referințăTitlul proiectului
1.Comenius multilateral partnership 2008-2010 08-PM-175-IS-IT“Together to learn”  
2.Grundtvig partnership 2008-2010 08-GRU-P-LP-13-IS-IT“Bread and Roses on Stage”  
3.Leonardo partnership 2008-2010 LdV/PAR/2008/RO/069“Learning to learn for low skilled senior learners”  
4.Grundtvig partnership 2009-2011 GRU-09-P-LP-136-IS-UK“Aspirations”  
5.Leonardo partnership 2009-2011 LLP-LdV/PAR/2009/RO/086“Core Abilities of students at Vocational Education and Training”  
6.Leonardo partnership 2011  2011-2013 LLP-LdV/20011/RO/086“Robotics and Automation Careers in Engineering” RACE